
Thursday, May 23, 2013

combination - node editor

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Yesterday (Wed. 22 May 2013) we combined some editor tabs.
Here, we learn about how to combine each other. For this lesson, we made a simple combination. Some of this lesson are same with before, like giving emission, difuse bsdf, glass bsdf, or other in cycle render. Then we combined it in NodeEditor. 

Here is the result:

a glass marble

After that, on the plane (bottom), there is a picture (texture) of asphalt (mine). Sorry for this post no picture yet about the result after giving asphalt texture on the plane. (smile)

Wassalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Plane! - the glasses plane animation

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Hello! Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, i'm fine. Thanks.
Plane! Yesterday (Wednesday, 15 May 2013), we made plane animation. When i heard the name of 'plane', i think this is plane (a four-square plane in blender), but no! This is plane like a plane in the air. Do you know? me and my friend get in animation class nearly in the end of the lesson-time. But, alhamdulillah, we can learn how to make a plane animation using blender.
In the ways of making the plane-animation, we need a plane sketch. Yesterday, we took a sketch in the keywords of 'plane blueprints boeing'. Or if we do not need the picture, we can imagine like what our plane in the future. But, here we use the plane sketch to make easier in the making process. Ha, you also can use your own plane sketch then import into background image. Here is the sketch in the making this plane animation:


For the mesh (the main), we use two mesh. There are circle (for the main body part of the plane) and cube (for the swings part of the plane). Ways to make it (the points):
1.   insert a background image
2.   view - front - view - persp/ortho
3.   add - mesh - circle
4.   rotate it following the sketch
5.   move into edit mode
6.   extrude it following the sketch (press E button)
7.   for making it more tidy, we combine E, CLrl+R, or S button
8.   extrude, add some new parts, or scale them
9.   adjust until it seems like the body of the plane
10. for the swings, add - mesh - cube
11. make the cube rather thin for the top and the bottom sides
12. then you can follow the ways on number 4 to 9 until it seems like the swings of the plane
13. if the body part and the swings part is done, we can move into Cycles Render (here it will be modify some parts)
14. for this occasions, you can modify it by yourselves
15. this is the screenshot of yesterday lesson

glasses plane -- smile! )

16. to the picture: for the plane (body and swings) we use material glass BSDF white color, then we add three planes (a four-square plane in blender) --- one below the plane, and two besides (right-left) the plane.
17. for the plane below of the plane, we use material - diffuse BSDF
18. for the two planes besides (right-left) the plane, we use material - emission (strength: 3)

That's the point in making plane animation in blender. You can modify it, you can add some propellers in front of it or the other. Thank you.

Wassalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Lamp

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Hi all! How are you? I'm fine, thanks.
Last Thursday (April, 11th), we made an animation lamp.
Here, I know about emitter, a part of cycles render, on the material button.
I made this -not my self-, with the help of my teacher and my friends.
Do you know? In the animation class, not only get the animation knowledge. For me, my teacher teach us to pray at the beginning of time. When we heard the adzan, we pause the lesson and he (my teacher) went to the mosque.
Okay, that's a little about my animation class and my teacher.

This is the lamp that we made last Thursday (April, 11th) with the emitter.

the lamp

In the steps to make the lamp, we use add-ons 'bolt' to make the bottom of the lamp. Then, the body of the lamp we can E -extrude- and modified by ourselves. For the glowing part, we use mirror (because there are 4 parts and with mirror it will be more easy). Don't forget to put something, like plane, close to the lamp. Because after we put the emitter on the glowing part, we can't see the reflection of the light. So, we put another object to be the light capture. We can use plane, cube, or another mesh.

My teacher said that the point is:
Tau nggak? Kenapa bintang itu cahayanya cuma kelihatan seperti titik? Karena nggak ada yang menangkap cahayanya, kalau matahari? Cahaya matahari bisa terlihat karena ada yang menangkapnya. -my teacher-


Right, let save our Earth! Turn off the lamps if we didn't use them. Save Earth. Can you HEARTH? - Can you HEAR THE HEART OF THE EARTH?

Wassalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.